CAB "Chicago" Broadway Trip

CAB "Chicago" Broadway Trip

By: Olivia Varner

Every semester, CAB sponsors a Broadway trip free for the students. For this semester, we got to see "Chicago" on Saturday, February 11th. Not only did you get to see a Broadway trip for free, but students were also able to spend the day in New York City doing whatever they wanted. Leaving at 7 a.m., for most of the bus ride there, it was mostly quiet as many got their much-needed sleep before spending around 10 hours in New York City.

Getting there between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m., everyone had until about 2 p.m. before "Chicago" started. Everyone could do whatever they wanted; however, once it hit 2 p.m., we were let into the theater and got to our seats, waiting for the show to start.

Something unique about the cast we got to see was famous drag queen Jinkx Monsoon as Matron "Mama" Morton since she was only in the show for eight weeks. "Chicago" is a satirical Broadway show set in Chicago in the 1920s about criminals who seemed to be a big hit, with most who went on the trip and the Time magazine, published in New York City, as well.

A first-year student Paige Mullins told me, "The Broadway trip was spectacular! It was great to spend the day in New York City and experience it with close friends. Seeing the show was a dream come true, not only because I got to see Jinkx Monsoon and get a picture with her, but Chicago is also such a classic Broadway staple. I had the best time, and I love Lyco CAB for putting this trip together!"

After the show, everyone had about three hours left before having to be on the bus, heading back to the college. Once again, thank you to CAB for this opportunity, and if students would also like to go on one of these Broadway trips in the future, they happen once every semester, so look out for the announcement!



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