Life on Campus

Life on Campus

Staff Writer: R. Ortega

This semester has been a wave of emotions, from being free to leave to being quarantined on campus. There has been up-and-downs throughout this new year, but Lycoming College has tried and keep everyone’s spirits up by offering a variety of online events. Lists are sent out almost every week of events within our community or activities, so getting out and trying something new is also available. Sometimes we do not know what we like until we get there. For example, back in February the school held a Virtual Comedy Show, with Ian Lara. Originally, I was skeptical about attending an event online, but I went with my friend and had a great laugh. After everything that has happened this semester getting the opportunity to attend, even a virtual event, is good for our mental health. Especially if you attend with a friend, it makes the experience less scary. Life is not what it used to be but that does not mean we cannot make the most of it. Next time the opportunity presents itself, I would highly recommend going to a Lycoming College online event with your roommate or even significant other. These events are free to students and are a great way to pass time and make life feel a bit more normal during these not so normal times. Remember keep a look out for emails about events and try something new!  

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